Monday, May 11, 2009

Academy Orchestra Learns from the Pros

Academy students from the Cole-Porter Family Orchestra at Christel House Academy enjoyed a visit to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra on Friday. Carol Baker, Director of Education for the Symphony gave a tour of the Hilbert Circle Theatre and the children attended a dress rehearsal of Beethoven Fifth and Brahm's First. The students sat in the balcony, closely observing the professionals that played the same instruments as they did. The musicians of the ISO acknowledged the students and gave a warm round of applause for being young musicians.

The day ended with a visit from Mario Venzago, Music Director of the Symphony. Mario shared his background and career story with the children and held a Question and Answer session. Also in attendance were Margaret Cole-Russel, responsible for making the Orchestra a reality, and her husband, Steve Russel.

Thanks to all who made this great experience happen!

The Cole-Porter Family Orchestra has been in existence since fall 2008 and has since performed at the Mayor of Indianapolis' State of the City address, the Charter Schools ROCK the State House event and other local events.

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