Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Faculty visits CH South Africa - Update #1

Carmel Schettino (pictured with Principal, Ronald Fortune) is a mathematics faculty member at the Emma Willard School in upstate New York and is visiting Christel House South Africa to assist our teachers in math assessment, curriculum and other projects. Below she answers a few quick questions...

What was the impetus for your visit to Christel House South Africa?

Along with creating a working relationship between Emma Willard and Christel House, part of sending me specifically was my experience in working with teachers in schools throughout the US in many professional development areas related to math education. Ronald Fortune's passions about having an excellent math program at Christel House is pushing him to ask critical questions about their curriculum and pedogogical choices. I believe part of my role here as an outsider is simply to give another perspective on what they are doing and give my insights from my knowledge and background in different areas such as progressive pedagogical methods, technological resources, and other philosophical questions. Since my doctoral work centers around gender equity and social justice issues related to mathematics education, I am also learning a great deal about the challenges that Christel House faces with regard to the diverse background of its students.

What is your plan for the time you’re there?

Currently, I am beginning classroom observations and met with all math teachers yesterday to get a general sense of their vision of the math classrooms. It was very informative and I got insights into how much they enjoy teaching math. I will continue observing classes and hopefully interacting more with the children. I have begun one on one conversations with teachers as they informally come and ask me questions. Tomorrow I am going in to do a lesson with a high school teacher to help out with a technology piece that might add something to a topic, and hopefully next week I will do more demonstrations like that. I also hope to do a mock lesson for all teachers as well.

How have the first few days gone?

I have found the teachers here to be totally dedicated and committed to the students. Although this may happen at any school, this is particularly true here at Christel House. They have a way of looking at every child's whole story in order to better understand the best way to teach him or her. So from a mathematics perspective, from a social justice point of view, the faculty seem to be finding the best ways to get their students engaged on a regular basis. The students are very outgoing and excited to learn and extremely polite in every way. I am impressed with every facet of the place.

If you would like to volunteer and share your special talent or expertise with Christel House, please contact us.

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