Thursday, August 12, 2010

8.9.10: A Day of Firsts at Christel House Academy

Christel House Academy opened its doors for the 2010-11 school year with an exciting new addition. The Christel House - Watanabe High School officially opened for ninth grade students! Wide eyes and anticipation accompanied the students as they entered the building for breakfast in the new “Crossroads Café.” Students were greeted by staff members and welcomed into another year. The excitement of finding friends, comparing classes, and discussing all the important summer details were definitely the morning buzz in the café!

As the bell rang, students began to find their new class for the year. An elementary child finished her breakfast, and saw her former teacher walk through the café. The student rushed to the teacher for a hug and you could sense the student’s enthusiasm for school, as she described what she was looking forward to in the upcoming year. Kindergarten students entering school for the first time were often accompanied by parents taking pictures of the big day! The welcoming and warm atmosphere of Christel House classrooms eased parents worries right away. A new parent told a staff member that her daughter was so excited for kindergarten that she did not want to take off her school uniform over the weekend!

A sense of pride was evident among the high school students as they became the first to enter Christel House - Watanabe High School. Eager ninth grade eyes looked from room to room, anxious to explore the amazing new building. The high school students’ pride was encouraged, as the staff talked to the students about the Expeditionary Learning Program, and how the students will help determine the culture of the school.

The 2010-11 school year is underway and off to a great start! We look forward to many exciting academic successes and new experiences throughout the year. Congrats CHA students for the beginning of another momentous year!

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