Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CH India Students produce docu-fiction film

Students from grades 7-9 recently filmed "We Are by Your Side", a short film that can be viewed here. Before submitting to several festivals, the film was screened for students grades 5-10 at Christel House India. Many were moved to tears sharing that this was the story of their lives.

Through the Adobe Youth Voices program, students from Christel House India have learned digital media skills and produced several short films.

A Request From Earth

Rakshitka's Story
Shattered Dreams

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Beautiful movie and beautiful music! Thank you for your hard work. I am a teacher near Boston, MA and I am working with about 40 7th and 8th graders who are very inspired by your work. We will watch your videos over and over again.
Thanks Emily! All our schools are starting video work - keep an eye out for more great videos soon!
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