Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watanabe High School

Earlier this year, Indianapolis lost an incredible citizen, business and community leader and former Lilly executive, Gus Watanabe. Shortly thereafter, we announced that the new high school being planned for Christel House Academy would be named in his honorWatanabe High School.

Click here to support Watanabe High School and when prompted, designate your gift to support Christel House Academy – writing “Watanabe High School” in the comments section of the donation process. Remember that all gifts are matched dollar for dollar by Christel DeHaan, and that Eli Lilly and Company employees and retirees may be eligible for additional matching funds

Please see the excerpt below from a letter written in support of the campaign by Ambassador Randall Tobias, Chairman Emeritus, Eli Lilly and Company, Chair of the Capital Campaign and close friend of Gus Watanabe.

Dear Friends,

Christel House Academy is located on Indianapolis’ near south-side, and serves a high-needs population of more than 450 children, 89% receiving free or reduced lunches. The school’s 2009 ISTEP scores showed 74.25% of students passing both the language arts and math sections of the exam. This compares to a 49.9% passing rate of Indianapolis Public Schools. The Academy’s attendance rate is 96.8% and 95.5% of its students return following the summer break. After accomplishing so much, we (and our many supporters) feel these students deserve the opportunity to continue their education in a high school with high academic aspirations and an emphasis on tertiary educational goals. That is what the Watanabe High School can accomplish.

It is impossible to measure Gus Watanabe’s impact on our community. He was a savvy businessman, meticulous scientist and caring physician, mentor and friend. He believed strongly in the importance of preparing young people with a cutting edge curriculum focused on the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st Century workplace. That’s one of the reasons he was a founding board member of Christel House. Gus recognized that because Christel House Academy students often lacked role models and stable home environments, an effective character development program was essential to support them during their vulnerable adolescent years, and help them become solid citizens.

Gus exemplified those qualities we want our young people to display, and Christel House Academy will use his example to inspire and motivate them. Every student who graduates from this school and becomes a productive citizen will honor Gus’ memory. I can’t think of a more fitting tribute.
I hope that this initiative will touch your heart as much as it touched mine.


Ambassador Randall Tobias

Chairman Emeritus, Eli Lilly and
Campaign Chair, Open a Door Campaign Watanabe High School

Note to Lilly Employees or Retirees:
1. Please make checks payable to Christel House Academy
2. Apply for matching gift credit online and indicate gifts are for Christel House Academy (CHA)

Please take a moment to write a brief memory about Gus using the comments section below. You can do this whether or not you financially support Watanabe High School.

If you have questions or want to discuss naming opportunities at the school, contact Ken Sheetz, Chief Development Officer at Christel House at 317-464-2086 or ksheetz@christelhouse.org.


The construction of Watanabe High School will make a powerful difference in our community and in the lives of so many of our young people. The Eli Lilly and Company Foundation is honored to support this project in tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Gus Watanabe.
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