Monday, March 8, 2010

Yuslendy's education comes full-circle

Yuslendy lives in one of the highest areas of La Vega, a difficult place to get to. It's also a very dangerous place, far from any police station. She lives with her parents and three sisters, one of them is schizophrenic and finding the appropriate medical attention and care have been always a big problem in the family.

Her parents never completed basic education, both reached only primary school. Her mother stays home taking care of her sister, while her father is a craftsman and works form time to time when he can find a vacancy. Recently, her father has been ill, suffering from a heart condition. The family income has always been barely enough for food, medicine and clothing. It was difficult to play outdoors knowing that her life was in risk due to gangs that have the zone as a battle field.

For Yuslendy, it was very important to find a safe place and she found it in Christel House Venezuela. She says "I like to be good, to do the right thing, to study and to help other people, so this is my place". She was like any other teenager, she had the same concerns and problems but had additional problems. She was incredibly mature considering her age and keep high expectations about what she wanted to be in life. She says "I received a lot of beautiful things from other people, especially from my teachers, suddenly I realized that it was very important to me to teach and care about other people".

Yuslendy completed high school at Christel House and applied for the Education school in the Simón Rodríguez University and was admitted. She was in the school last year, working at an internship in another school in La Vega. She says "I am very happy with my life right now, it is hard work but I like it, this is a difficult profession, but feels good to see the eyes of a boy who is learning something that you are teaching, that what I love the younger student, the bigger the harder, little kids are...I don't know...fresher?"

Every time you give a call to Yuslendy (when she has a rare spare moment) she is glad to collaborate with Christel House. She will graduate at the end of the year as a teacher and will pass on all that she has learned with her students.

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