Friday, August 20, 2010

What a Party! The Dedication of Christel House Watanabe High School

Christel DeHaan and the Christel House Staff welcomed nearly 200 guests to the Christel House Watanabe High School Dedication Ceremony and Founder’s Reception on August 19th.

Carey Dahnke, Principal of Christel House Academy, presided as Master of Ceremonies for the occasion, highlighting the qualities that make Christel House unique. Frank Watanabe, son of the school’s namesake August “Gus” Watanabe, spoke of how this school is a fitting tribute to his father’s legacy as a teacher and mentor. Christel DeHaan, Ambassador Randall Tobias, and Eli Lilly President/CEO Dr. John Lechleiter extended their thanks to all the donors, supporters, and committee members that made the high school a reality.

Although though classes just began last week, new Christel House 9th graders Alexis Pagano and Isaiah Sutton remarked on their experiences at the school and their dreams for the next four years. Several government officials also attended, drawn in by Christel House’s record of excellence in the State of Indiana. Mr. Todd Huston from the Indiana Department of Education and Mr. Karega Rausch, Director of Indianapolis Charter Schools, both spoke of the sensational success of the Christel House students and relayed messages from Governor Mitch Daniels and Mayor Greg Ballard.

Following the official ribbon cutting ceremony, guests enjoyed the annual Founder’s Reception in the high school’s Crossroads Café. Tours of the facility allowed guests to see classrooms, speak with teachers and view artwork from students attending the Christel House International learning centers.

Welcome to the family, Christel House Watanabe High School!

Inside Indiana Business News Release

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