On Tuesday, June 21st, Angel and Zakeer arrived at Indianapolis airport from Christel House India. They will attend the Culver Academy Camp for the third year in a row and both will be graduating from the Academy later this year.
Angel and Zakeer write:
“We were really excited to come back to the United States for the third time. We couldn’t wait to get here and see everyone. We started our adventurous journey from Bangalore. We had to change three flights to get to Indianapolis. They were Bangalore to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Chicago, and Chicago to Indianapolis.
“The Bangalore to Frankfurt flight was 8 hours long. We watched movies and slept a little. We crossed some security check and reached our gate. There was an interesting person from India who was a priest. His name is Govindu. He introduced himself and we told him all about Christel House. We were with him for about two hours.
“Then we had to board our flight to Chicago. Then we went through customs which took us about an hour. After clearing customs we took a train to go to the terminal. We waited there for about two to three hours and we walked around the airport for a while. Out boarding time was 7:45 and it was already 7:55. We asked somebody when the boarding would start and we were shocked when they told us our flight to Indianapolis was cancelled due to mechanical operations. Later, we went to the United customs service and they got us on standby for the next flight.
“We were terribly hungry and we got something to eat, that was when we met Kari. She was great and let us have her cell phone. We then sent a message to Mandi on Facebook. She called us back and talked to an agent from United customs service. The lady put us on another flight to Indianapolis at midnight. We were so excited once we got on the flight.”
Labels: Culver, India
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4:17 PM