Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aim for Bulls Eye - Target team's mantra to Christel House India

It's not every day that a team of 30 volunteers from one of the world's best rated companies for its work culture and innovation by Business Week, Forbes etc, make it to the Christel House Learning Center for a career counseling session for the Grade 12 students. Worldwide Target contributes a whopping USD 3 million every week to the communities that it serves. What started as in 1946 is now a Social Responsibility norm. Impressive.

Target is no stranger to Christel House, for it whole heartedly supports the mission of transforming lives. To this end, employees from the India office of Target Corporation shared their experiences and knowledge of emerging opportunities for students from the commerce and science disciplines. They counseled the students to identify relevant courses, options for colleges and then hit the bulls eye with great academic scores. This was no less a corporate motivation session with Christel House students as budding executives, learning early the importance of goal-setting, daring convention and being passionate to shift the paradigm.

Corporate sustainability being integral to Target's business philosophy, the employees left a green impression and literally so by planting trees in the Christel House campus. They made it a point to make this session just as engaging and innovative by sharing a presentation about global warming / environment and an art session inviting posters about environment from the group.

In true Target style, this was an intellectual value add.



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