On Monday
Christel House Venezuela received the visit of more than 70 employees from Eli Lilly. Mr. Eric de Spoelberch,
Eli Lilly Country Manager and Board Member of Christel House motivates their employees to serve and contribute to our students and the community.
Professionals from different areas organized nutrition and health talks for 7th, 8th and 9th grades students and vocational counseling for the 10th and 11th grades. Other group of employees participated in gardening, painting and cleaning activities at the school.
This is annual activity not only in Venezuela but in other countries where Eli Lilly has offices around the world. The official Global Service Day was on May 20, but in Venezuela it was postponed for today. Several
Lilly employees contribute financially, we appreciate their contribution.
Labels: corporate, Venezuela, Volunteer
posted by Christel House Venezuela @
1:44 PM