Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Christel House India students receive exemplary scores

The Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) is one of the first important examinations for students in India. It is a certification obtained by students after their completion of the secondary schooling level in India.

Christel House India recently received the following scores and statistics.
  • 64 of 66 students passed (97% passing rate compared to 75% nation wide!)
  • 4 students passed with distinction (80% and above)
  • 32 students passed with first class (60% and above)
  • 16 students passed with second class (50% and above)
  • 12 additional students passed
  • 2 students failed - these students struggled in second language (Kannada). We are planning to include these students in intense remediation and they should be ready for a supplementary exam in June 2009
Additionally, 54% of Christel House students passed with "distinction" or "first class" compared to 30% nationally.

We are proud of all our students!

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