Thursday, August 6, 2009

Volunteer insights from Christel House Mexico

My name is Danielle Tanganco, and my experience in Mexico City would not be the same without Christel House Mexico.

I came to Mexico ready to bring change. I’ve been here in Mexico City (my first time!) since June 1st through an internship program through York University, in Toronto, Canada. I am an English major, a Spanish minor, and I’m also doing another degree in education. I came here and I thought, “I’ll offer my skills, my time, and my knowledge with the kids and with the school. It can be an opportunity for me to bring positive change.”

Little did I know that I would be the one who would come out changed.

My time here in Mexico flew by so quickly. I started out by helping in the grade 2 English classes, and I am so thankful to Bronwyn, the grade 2 English teacher, for taking me under her wing. I also had the opportunity to teach my own lesson plan for one week, and it was an absolute delight seeing the kids learn about the different seasons in the year. I got so excited about it, dressing up for each season each day of the week, making different crafts for each season, and (a highlight for the kids!) bringing in some pictures of Canada experiencing different seasons. Winter was definitely a favorite among the 7 and 8-year-olds.

At first it was just like any regular placement. I went in, taught, and left. But pretty soon (and I apologize in advance for the mushiness!), I started to fall in love with the kids. And how could I not? These kids are so easy to love. My first day at Christel House, I received a lot of shy and unshy "Hola"s, and by the afternoon of the first day, kids (those in my class as well as random ones) would come up to me and hug me. They greet me by affectionately holding my hand, stroking my arm, hugging me, or calling "Titcher Dany! Daniela!" They're really sweet.

The kids at CHMX are so full of love, sometimes it’s easy to forget their backgrounds. It’s easy to forget that some of my kids don’t go home when I do, because they have to help sell CDs or sweets in the subway at night. But what gets me the most is that they’re still so fully of joy, always coming to class with big smiles on their faces.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve gotten my share of bad days too. I’ve gotten kids who refuse to do their work, who refuse to put in any effort, who get into fights, etc. The biggest thing that gets me, though, is how these are bright and smart kids who are throwing their lives away, just because they’re unable to walk away from a fight, just because they want to indulge their laziness, just because they don’t feel like doing their work. We're working to change that. I want so much for these kids. We were talking one time about what they wanted to be when they grow up – firefighter, police officer, teacher, nurse, etc. I was just bursting with pride at all these answers, but at the same time, it breaks my heart to realize that they would have to work doubly hard to rise above their less privileged circumstances.

I miss my kids. It’s summertime here in Mexico right now, and the kids are out on vacation. The first day I came in to do administrative work, I felt so lonely. It was just so weird being in the school without any noise, without any movement, without any life. But it’s gotten much better for me. Actually it has been a lot of fun! Special thanks go out to Vanessa and Dania for making my days more exciting.

I have to say, though, that seeing all the behind-the-scenes stuff that happens with CHMX, I’m filled with newfound appreciation and admiration at wholistic approach of Christel House. Last week I had the privilege to be part of a presentation for a potential donor for CHMX. As I was talking to the regional director, and sharing my experience here at CH even for a mere two months, I realized that everything I was saying was true. I love what CH does, and it's definitely a program I believe in.

And I see the fruits of people's labor, you know? Even in the short two months that I was there, my kids’ behavior improved considerably. Of course, we still have a ways to go, and there are still kids who act up - I think we'll always have those. But I'm beginning to see the change happening. And if I see the change in two measly months, then in years, this change will be exponential, that means that this program works. CH does transform lives. I'm blown away, so blown away. Watching the CH video, and seeing my kids on the screen - my kids, I proudly whispered to myself - brought tears to my eyes.

I miss my kids. I miss my kids so much that I find myself grasping at things to miss them less. Looking forward to school again! I’m trying to remember the last time I said that, haha. So many people to thank: Bronwyn, Vanessa, Dania, Alin, Paty Diaz, Haydee, Nancy, and everyone else who has made my stay at CHMX so much fun. Thank you to Mrs. DeHaan for her extraordinary vision, and for everyone else who has helped to make this vision a reality. And of course, thank you to all my kids, and all the others in CH, who are living the CH mission and actually transforming their lives.

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