Tuesday, October 15, 2013

From Christel House Kid to UN Employee

MaryAri Contreras
Featured in: @ChristelHouse Fall 2013

Maryari is proof of how a holistic education and the drive for a better life can break the cycle of poverty. After graduating from Christel House in 2007, she earned a degree in International Relations from Universidad Central de Venezuela. Today she is working in a full time position at the United Nations office in Venezuela.

"This job makes me feel happy and grateful, because it's a dream come true to work for such an important international organization. I am excited because I will be able to show the skills that I've learned during my studies in International Relations. I am committed to showing the best of my potential to do a great job for my country and the rest of the world."

"At Christel House, everything was so different than my other school. I was happy because I wanted to be different, to be a good student," said Maryari.

She grew up in La Vega, one of the most impoverished and dangerous barrios of Caracas, Venezuela, where the opportunity to build a better life is hard-won. "There are many girls with broken dreams and no potential for a better life. They get pregnant very young and kids are raising kids. Boys work as adults from a very early age and often get involved in drugs or delinquency," she said.

"Before Christel House, I attended another school where I was bullied for wanting to be a good student and enjoying school. But Christel House was different. I am grateful for all the beautiful things now in my life because of it."

In her personal time, Maryari gives back to her community. She visits Christel House, now run by Fe y Alegria, at least once a week where she started a conversational English club with current students."I wanted to apply a skill that I love to help other students learn. During meetings we watch movies, cartoons and music videos and then discuss them, or we talk about current events and our interests. Some kids are only 12 years old and they say things in such a beautiful way and so correctly [in English]," said Maryari.

"Christel House is like a family to me. I can never say thank you enough for the support it has given me. Without the support of donors, many boys and girls, including myself, wouldn’t be able to tell the stories of their success with pride and happiness. The new generation wants to help others and give back to create a better world. That is the Christel House legacy -- creating something beautiful and unique, and building a better world with the help of many."

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