Jan Keucher has made over a dozen volunteer trips to Christel House South Africa over the past 5 years. On her first trip, she worked with the students who will be graduating this week. She shares about her experiences and what it's like preparing to witness such a milestone moment.
She writes...
Although I have a background in education (B.S. from Indiana University in elementary education, 1968, M.S. from IU in special education, 1970), my teaching career was brief. I taught special education for one year in Franklin, IN and spent the next 3 years teaching third grade in an inner city school in Indianapolis. My husband and I then had two daughters, and I had the privilege to be a stay-at-home mom. I loved this time, but after our girls were grown, married, and moved away, I found I now needed a new purpose. What I found was Christel House South Africa—half a world away.
I knew nothing about South Africa—the country or its people, I decided to take a chance and go. The first time, I was there for two months in the fall of 2004. I volunteered in whatever classroom needed a volunteer, so my days varied greatly from working with the little ones to spending time with the older students. At that time the school went up to the 8th grade, with no kindergarten. It added a grade each year, and it now goes from kindergarten through grade 12. During my initial visit, I met wonderfully dedicated teachers who showed love, care, and concern to much deserving children. It seemed the teachers’ lives were totally consumed with these children. Their days started early and lasted well into the evening hours. I found I loved working with the teachers and their students. Whatever I gave to the children, I received so much more in return. After that first time, I absolutely knew I had to go back. I couldn’t get them out of my mind.
Since then, I have gone back twice a year for one to three months at a time. I feel these children have become my children, and South Africa has almost become my second home. I have watched them grow, learn, and flourish through their work at the school--an opportunity they never would have had without Christel House. The time has now come for the 12th graders to graduate. From my first days of working with them, it has been my hope to be present for the first graduation ceremony (valedictory). Many of the teachers have been housing the twelfth graders for months now to give them a safe and good environment to study for their exams. For most of the students, the journey has been long and difficult, but they have never given up. The valedictory is this week, October 9, 2009. I can’t wait to get there and be with the kids again. I want to witness this monumental time in their lives. I have kept in contact with several 12th graders from the school since my last visit in March, and they are so excited for this time to come.
I am excited to see them and their parents again and to be able to say, “Congratulations! Job well done!”
Jan KeucherCheck back later to see updates from Jan about the ceremony and the students' great accomplishments!
Labels: graduation, South Africa, testimonial, update, Volunteer
posted by Christel House South Africa @
3:43 PM