Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dell transforms Christel House South Africa

Dell has a rich history of corporate responsibility but just recently launched the amazing Dell YouthConnect program. Christel House India participated in 2009 and today, Christel House South Africa received a transformational gift from Dell.

The program is "designed to provide support for the educational and digital inclusion initiatives essential to success". At Christel House South Africa, that means a full computer lab to enhance math, science, music and other instruction, a laptop for each teacher in their classroom, visual media projectors, printers, CAD Drawing pens for engineering drawing class and flash drives for students in Grade's 11 & 12.

Dell has taken learning and technology to the next level at Christel House South Africa. Their involvement will truly prepare our students to connect, learn, and grow with their peers.

Thanks Dell - you're making a world of difference, and it shows.

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