Monday, March 15, 2010

Summer 2010 Internships @CHI Headquarters

With summer quickly approaching, don’t miss your opportunity to break into the professional world with an internship at Christel House in Indianapolis, Indiana. Whether you are a college student or recent graduate, the Christel House International 2010 Summer Internship Program offers interns real-world experience in a fast-paced and reputable global nonprofit.

Christel House interns produce tangible results and work with top industry professionals. They're given real projects that move the organization forward. They are also given the freedom to use their creative energy for good, not to mention - they help end poverty.

One of our current interns, Sarah Franz, had this to say about her experience with Christel House: “At Christel House, I’ve been able to take my education interests and nonprofit volunteer experience from college and build upon those in a professional nonprofit setting. I have taken on several projects that have allowed me to learn tangible skills needed to work in the nonprofit industry, all while supporting an amazing cause.”

Our internships are designed to build your experience, network and resume. We'll do our best to match your interests and expertise with the needs of the organization - see job descriptions below. All positions are unpaid but we're happy to help secure college credit.

Apply now! Deadline is March 31st, decisions made by April 15!

Fundraising & Special Events
Research & Grants
Global Communications & Marketing
Graphic & Web Design

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