Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dreams do come true

PIO is a 7th month program offered by Simón Bolivar University (SBU) to prepare students for the final test to apply to the university studies program. 8 students from Christel House Venezuela completed this program and 3 were granted early admittance to study at SBU!

Drumroll please...

Meet Franklin Castro

Franklin has truly development since the 7th grade and now gets excellent grades even winning the Math Olympiad in La Vega. He comes from a struggling neighborhood where his father must travel great distances looking for work. Frank enjoys science the most, but also focuses on Math, Physics and Engineering. When not in the classroom, he's running marathons (yes, marathons) winning awards both locally and regionally. He's a curious student who's always willing to help younger children.

Franklin will soon enter the Electrical Engineering program.

Jonathan Rodriguez

Jonathan has been a leader since the first day at Christel House Venezuela. He leads in the classroom, he's his grade's delegate in several areas, is involved in the student’s committee, and is a regular part of cultural performances, dancing, and orientation. Recently, he lead the response to the the Haiti tragedy, collecting goods and resources to help.

Jonathan will study Hotel Administration.

Kelvin Escalona

Kelvin was raised by his grandmother as his mother was too young to take care of him and didn’t have the resources. Kelvin is now 16 years old, and eventually acclimated to Christel House, overcoming disciplinary struggles to focus 100% in his studies. While Kelvin is a shy and reserved young man, he has taken on his academic challenges with tenacity and vigor - and succeeded.

Kevin will study Foreign Markets.

All three shared that attending university was, until recently, only a dream.

Congratulations to them, their teachers, families and our Christel House supporters around the world. It's truly a tremendous achievement!

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