Thursday, September 30, 2010

Colts Day at Christel House Academy

First, second, and third graders at Christel House Academy had some special visitors on Tuesday, September 14th. Alric Arnett and Donye McClesky, two members of the Indianapolis Colts football team stopped by for Colts Day in Schools, part of the team’s community outreach program. Each player read to the class and took questions from the students.

Although these players aren’t household names like some of their teammates, the students were excited to meet real Indianapolis Colts players. One of the teachers reported that her students were in awe that the person sitting in their classroom played football with “The Peyton Manning”

Events like these encourage reading and literacy at a young age, as a part of the Indianpolis Colts’ mission to inspire their fellow Hoosiers to get involved in their community. Christel House also encourages its students to follow this example and give back to society. We are proud to have been chosen to take part in Colts Day in School.


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