Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunny and a high of 72 degrees

That's the forecast for the the third annual Braking the Cycle ride to be held this Saturday, September 17, 2011 in Indianapolis, IN. This 100-mile police-escorted ride takes you from Christel House Academy in Indianapolis through scenic Brown County, Indiana and all of the proceeds benefit our students around the world.

New this year, participants can enter their bikes in our motorcycle show on the day of the event for $25. Award plaques will be given in the following categories: Best Cruisers (Male and Female); Best Sports (Male and Female) and Best Choppers (Male and Female).

Online registration is still open. For just $35/single and $50/couple*, you can ride for a great cause AND receive breakfast, lunch and a t-shirt!

Award plaques will be given to the largest motorcycle club in attendance, the largest women’s motorcycle club in attendance and the club or person who traveled the farthest to ride.

We hope to see you there!

*Register a group of 5 riders at the same time and enjoy a $5 discount for each single or $10 discount for each double you register. Call 317-464-2378 to secure your group discount.

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