Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This boat will not rock! Christel House creativity impresses visiting volunteers from Dell India

Teaching individuals how to swim and tide over choppy waters is not just a metaphor used by Christel DeHaan when describing the grand mission of Christel House – it was creative reality displayed by the students of Christel House in Bangalore.

Last week, volunteers visiting the school from Dell, as part of the Dell Youth Connect grant, left the campus mesmerized. The occasion was the term presentation on a topic – this time Boats – using an interdisciplinary approach. From power point presentations to 3D models, from greeting cards to musical anthems, subjects like Physics, Maths, Computer Sciences, Art, Music and Languages came alive in a spectacular display put together by 5th to 9th graders.

In this day and age of communication, the ability to present one’s point of view effectively makes the winning difference. Christel House, with its out of box teaching initiatives, is surely sailing in the right direction.



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