Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Christel House Lavasa

Christel House Lavasa is the newest global Learning Center in the Christel House family, located in the equally new city of Lavasa, India. Located in hilly southwest India in the state of Maharashtra, the nearest major city is Pune, about 55 kilometers east.
Built on the principles of New Urbanism, the city of Lavasa incorporates traditional neighborhoods with a high-density urban core that is walkable, eco-friendly, and supportive of many diverse uses. In most cities, poverty is an afterthought, and officials only address it once it can no longer be ignored. However, the developers of Lavasa wanted to provide for people from a mix of socio-economic backgrounds, which is where Christel House enters the picture. “In Christel House we have found a partner whose approach to the education of the underprivileged is holistic and unique," said Rajgopal Nogja, President, Lavasa Corporation Limited.

Christel House Lavasa currently has 180 students in grades K-2, and it will add a new grade each year until it is a K-12 school. That means there won't be a graduating class from Lavasa until 2020, but we're okay with that, because it means that these students will be well prepared for a successful life. So far there are eleven staff members working with the children, but with each new class, more teachers will be added. “We are grateful that Lavasa has come forward with this opportunity to build a second Christel House in India and we are committed to replicating our success at Lavsa.” said Raju Shahani, Executive Advisor, Christel House India-Bangalore.

Check back later this week for anther update on CH Lavasa. Until then, take a virtual tour of the city at the Lavasa Website.


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