Thursday, October 8, 2009

English Coordinator from CHMX, was included as co-editor at Longman Publishing

Vanessa Gálvez the English Coordinator from Christel House Mexico, was invited as a co-editor of the Backpack books vol. 1-6 from Perason Longman Publishing.

It was an honor and pleasure for her to participate with them; she believes that human learning is a process of constructing meaning through interaction in social contexts.
Besides Backpack is designed to provide many opportunities for pair work in order to maximize students use of the language. By sharing ideas and information in pairs and groups. Additional practice opportunities are found in the CD-ROM, Video, and Teacher’s Bonus Backpack.

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Congratulations Vane!! I'm really proud of you!!! Those kids are lucky to have you. They are bless to have a devoted, happy, and intelligent person like you around. Keep sharing your good heart and never stop dreaming. With love, SGL ;)
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