Thursday, May 6, 2010

Every day is Mother's Day (1 of 2)

With Mother's Day soon upon us, we thought you'd enjoy a couple stories about the women behind the scenes of our wonderful children - equally wonderful mothers.

Christel House India Mother's Committee

The children of Christel House India come from several different areas around Bangalore. A group of mothers in each of the neighborhoods have taken it upon themselves to organize and be a driving force behind their children's education. Think foot-patrol meets PTA.

They realized that most students could not study in the evening due to a lack of electricity and lighting. With their own struggles they could easily sit back. Instead, they take turns hosting evening homework sessions, seeking out places in the community with electricity and lighting for kids to study. Partnering with businesses, other families, teachers - anyone who has space, lighting and an open door. With their effort, the children learn more, become better students and have a brighter future.

As a student, you also better be in class. If a child misses school, a representative from the mothers group is there immediately visiting with the family and making sure education is top priority. Accountability is key. Mothers know best and they do what it takes.

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