Friday, October 8, 2010

Christel House Lavasa's Field Trip to the Fortune Hotel

A short time ago, Christel House Lavasa had a special visitor, Ms. Niyati Sareen of the Hindustan Construction Corporation, the company responsible for much of the construction of the city of Lavasa.  As she toured the school, she had the chance to sit in on the Class 2 (or second grade) students as they learned about table manners, including the proper use of silverware and napkins.  Impressed by the children, Ms. Sareen offered to take the entire grade to the nearby Fortune Hotel for lunch the next day.  Ms. Sareen even arranged for a special kid-friendly menu to be served!

For many of the students, this was the first time they had ever been in a hotel or been waited on by servers. Dining in such style and selecting from a menu was a luxury their families simply could not afford.  Many of the other patrons looked on in wonder as these small children wielded their forks and knives with confidence, practicing their lessons from the day before.

We thank Ms. Sareen and the Hindustan Construction Company for making this experience possible for the students!

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