Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Not Ready to Say Goodbye

By: Culver Academies India Trip 2013

Some of the members of the Culver Academies Christel House 2013 India Trip team have taken time to reflect on their experience:
Thoughts from Morgan about the visit at Christel House:
"This experience has been absolutely incredible. Words cannot fully describe the immense impact this visit to India has had (and will have) on me, so this simple summary is my best attempt. When we arrived at Christel House, I was somewhat nervous about the ability of our group to make connections with the students in such a short amount of time. We were paired with one or two students (mine was Pavheetra), and this one-on-one time quickly allowed us to make lasting connections. Through working with the students, watching them paint intricate designs on our collaborative murals, listening to them sing songs, and seeing the smiles on their faces, I've truly learned what it means to have hope and strength. The visit to the residential village brought me to tears, and my eyes were truly opened to how seemingly impossible and unfair life can be; and it just made me further realize how incredible and amazing these students are. This experience and the people involved have inspired me to go beyond my limits and be the best that I absolutely can be. I've learned what it really means to 'be the change.'"
Thoughts from Paola about the visit at Christel House:
In South Africa everything was already planned and scheduled, which was fun, but this trip was more natural. Its been easier to get to know the children here. Though both trips are great, I feel like I’ve gotten more out of this one. They’re different. South Africa is more Americanized. This trip has forced many of us out our comfort zone. Also, its nice to be able to connect with a younger group of students.
Thoughts from Lauren about the visit at Christel House:
As a first timer, its hard to have anything even close to compare this to. I’ve never been in a situation that has forced me to think about life in such a different way. Its awe inspiring to see how these children and their families not only surviving in these conditions, but keeping a smile on their faces. There’s nothing like the conditions we’ve been exposed to in the past few days. The children are adorable and just as excited for us as we are for them. Its been a wonderful trip that has exposed me to new amazing people and has caused many tears to be shed.
Mr. Behling's Moment (surprisingly it was not awkward it was cool): Mr. Behling did a wrestling demonstration for the students of Christel House. He successfully dominated the Christel House physical education teacher and surprised many of the 12th grade boys with his basic but powerful moves. 


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Thankz alot 4 vistng my school!!
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