Yesterday we shared about the
Christel House India Mother's Committee. With Mother's Day soon upon us, we thought you'd enjoy a couple stories about the women behind the scenes of our wonderful children -
equally wonderful mothers.
A Mother LearnsLast year, when her sons began having difficulty understanding their homework, Rosalba couldn't help them. "I was ashamed that I'd never gone to school," she says, "but I asked for help at a Christel House parents' meeting." Other parents offered suggestions, but none were compatible with her schedule as a full-time maid. That's when Christel House Mexico teacher Edith Miroz volunteered to teach Rosalba how to read and write. Meeting every Wednesday in the very early morning, the two worked together and Rosalba can now read and write at a third grade level - and she's learning more every day.
"I no longer get lost trying to find my way around the city. I can read street signs," she says. Rosalba is also learning computer skills in a Christel House workshop trying to improve her opportunities for employment.
But best of all, in the evenings when all is quiet inside a tiny shack in the slums of Mexico City, Rosalba Martinez Zarate can be found talking with her children about their homework.
Labels: Mexico, parent, teacher, testimonial
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7:28 AM